Saturday, April 7, 2007


Dates: Monday April 30th -Icebreaker
Tuesday May 1st -drawing
Wednesday May 2nd more drawing voting

Time: 9am-9pm
Cost: $0 ,but you can donate.

Place: Hubbs Sea World Research Inst
2595 Ingraham St, San Diego, CA

Guest Speaker: David Colman.
Conceptual Artist on "Open Season," and "Class of 3000."
Deviant Art Page

We will be showcasing cartoons as well. So if you are an animator, you can schedule times to show your feature.

The location is near lots of hotels and such, but is not attached to any in particular. Its the same location that we had it in last year. Its located right on the bay, and close to Sea World. We won't be allowed to have people draw overnite, but we can allow you to leave your supplies.

Did I mention its free.

We are limited to 80 persons.
So the first 80 that register get to brag to the other 1 million that missed out.
Register at
Subject: C4
I'll send you a confirmation as soon as I hear from ya.
Got any questions?

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